208 - How can a site supervisor start their own construction company? Heres HOW! with Joseph Villarreal



Tue, 15 Aug 2023 05:00:00 UTC

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208 - How can a site supervisor start their own construction company? Heres HOW! with Joseph Villarreal

Take a moment to tune in, folks! This week on the PTB Podcast, we're diving into the real-world construction industry with a true master, Joseph Villareal of the Vial Civil Group.

In this episode, Joseph walks us through his journey, from being a humble assistant superintendent to becoming a successful business owner. He shares his experiences with navigating the heat of San Antonio, the intricacies of team management, and the art of transforming a humble construction gig into a thriving business.

We're going deep into the art of 'Fair Game' in construction, the leap of faith required to leave the comfort of a stable job, and the need for planning and attention to detail.

We also tackle some big challenges like equipment management and finding innovative solutions to logistical puzzles, all while building and maintaining a company culture that breeds success.

Listen to this episode for an inspiring narrative and practical advice to make your journey in the construction industry a rewarding adventure.

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